图片预览 可能样式看起来加不了多少链接,毕竟也就个人导航引导页,加10多个实用的链接即可,美观上应该还不差! 最近个人使用的一个简单的个人导航引导页HTML页面,也没啥好介绍了,简单的样式,左侧导航链接,右侧博客介绍,可以显示/隐藏,有兴趣的可以下载试试。 演示传送门:dh.sbkk.me- 7.4k
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CSS Glitch Effect 故障特效
动画由第一层以外的所有图层实现快速变化的剪辑属性合成,此外,这些图层稍微的移动,所以,我们所看到的,就是图像的切片,稍微偏移,并且一直不断的移动。使用clip-path属性重新创建效果,尽管浏览器支持的较少(IE或Edge无法使用),但由于我们可以使用百分比值并将其应用于不一定完全定位的元素,因此可以用更灵活的使用方式。结合背景混合模式的效果,使我们能够创造一些有趣的图像效果。 查看演示 下载资源- 3.7k
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Today we are going to explore some original and experimental backgrounds generated using WebGL. The main idea is to show interesting animated shapes as decorative page backgrounds, some having subtle …- 3.7k
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大气宽屏的网络建站公司网站html5动画模板、高端定制网站建设公司网站模板,主要页面有:创意模板、精选案例、合作加盟、最新资讯、关于我们等总共8个页面下载。 查看演示 下载资源- 2.4k
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黑色摄影 艺术时尚类html5模版
此模板精简不冗余,采用HTML5+CSS3,页面的风格设计是很有创意的,源码全面SEO优化,合理运用H标签/图片alt/链接title,兼容IE10+/Chrome/360/Firefox/Safari/Opera等国内外主流浏览器。首页还特别设计了一个视频模块,更加有效的展示公司文化,页面设计很大气很有个性。首页采用了大图幻灯的效果,可以说是效果达到了FLASH网站的效果,而代码也实现了轻量化,…- 2.2k
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一套设计风格简约大气时尚的公司企业类网站模板。新增多种jquery及CSS3兼容特效,带给您华丽的视觉震撼,页面效果相当的出彩,设计包含的页面也众多。各种视觉差效果绝对让你的网站在用户面前眼前一亮,逼格满满。此模板精简不冗余,采用HTML5+CSS3,源码全面SEO优化,合理运用H标签/图片alt/链接title,兼容IE10+/Chrome/360/Firefox/Safari/Opera等国内…- 2.6k
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html5高端酷炫的IT网络科技公司网站、互联网品牌建站公司网站模板。主要页面有:关于我们、新闻资讯、项目案例、常见问题、联系我们等9个页面模板。 下载资源- 2.4k
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Stimex HTML5模板
自适应和Retina 支持,创意模版,10个布局,视频背景,幻灯片背景,JavaScript + CSS3 动画,单页着陆页,极简设计,AJAX 和PHP联系表单 查看演示 下载资源- 2.6k
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模板完全响应布局设计是建立在HTML5和CSS3兼容,界面华丽、人机交互出色、功能强大,现在我们已经很难单纯用传统的表现方式满足用户多种多样的需求,实现时也很难将HTML5与之前的版本割裂开来,所以我们可以认为在移动网站平台上绝大部分的都将会采用HTML5开发。 查看演示 下载资源- 2.4k
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动画形状幻灯片灵感-Animated SVG Frame Slideshow
Today we’d like to share an experimental slideshow with you. The idea is to animate an SVG frame while we transition from one slide to another. Using different shapes we can create a variety of frame …- 2.4k
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网格动画布局灵感-Expanding Grid Item Animation
Today we’d like to share a simple implementation of a grid animation with you that is based on the Dribbble shot Surf Project by Filip Slováček. When a grid item is clicked, the background and the thu…- 2.1k
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CSS网页预加载-Kylo Ren CSS Page Preloader
Today we want to share something a little bit different with you: an image-less animated Star Wars tribute to Kylo Ren made with HTML & CSS only. This demo is kindly sponsored by PageCloud, the we…- 2.3k
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动态形状的菜单显示效果-Dynamic Shape Overlays with SVG
Today we’d like to share another way of achieving morphing page transitions. This time, we’ll generate multiple SVG curves with JavaScript, making many different looking shapes possible. By controllin…- 2k
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水面波纹特效-Liquid Distortion Effects
Today we’d like to share an interesting distortion effect with you. The main concept of this demo is to use a displacement map in order to distort an underlying image, giving it different types of eff…- 2.7k
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双图像布局-Sliced Dual Image Layout
Today we’d like to share some layouts with a sliced image look with you. The idea is to show some text elements in a grid layout and change the content and images in a slideshow fashion. For the backg…- 1.9k
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有机SVG形状变形创意-Organic SVG Shape Morph Ideas
Today we’d like to share some more animated organic SVG shapes with you. The idea is to integrate some flowy, natural looking shapes into a web page as decorative elements, sometimes with an interacti…- 1.8k
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简单的页面转换过渡效果-Morphing Page Transition
Today we’d like to share a simple morphing page transition effect with you. The idea is to morph an SVG path while moving an intro page up, creating an interesting, flowy look. For the animations we u…- 1.9k
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菜单悬停效果-Inspiration for Menu Hover Effects
Today we’d like to share some menu hover effects with you. We hope this set inspires you and gives you some ideas for your next project. The effects are either powered by CSS only or with the help of …- 1.9k
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动画图片灵感-Animated Image Pieces
After making the Developer/Designer Page Layout Concept we wanted to try out some different effects for the pieces animation on the image. There are quite a lot of possibilities to animate the fragmen…- 2.5k
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CSS网格布局幻灯片-CSS Grid Layout Slideshow
Today we’d like to share a little slideshow with you that is powered by CSS grids. The idea is to have several images shown in an artsy way and apply a different layout for each slide. We also play wi…- 1.9k
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有机形状动画-Organic Shape Animations with SVG clipPath
After playing with some on-scroll morphing background shapes, we wanted to explore some hover effects in this demo. By morphing SVG paths we can create some organic, flowy movements on hover. Doing so…- 1.9k
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几个特效排版动画-Letter Effects and Interaction Ideas
Today we’d like to share four typography animations with you. Letters are such a great thing to play with and they allow for so many interesting interactions and effects to enhance a design and make d…- 1.9k
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